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Why I run?

Posted on 2 mins read

I was wondering what makes running attractive and it’s true that I like to run but not too insane. I like to run 3 or 4 miles a day. So I was browsing around the forum and saw this post. Thought I’d share.

Why I run by Ulla.

I love to run.

I don´t know if I can call myself a “runner”. I have never competed in a race and I don´t think I would be amongst the fastest ones if I did.

But fact is: I love to run.

People ask me: “why? why do you get so uneasy if a couple of days pass by and you did not have the chance to run?”

Running is my balance, my “my time”, the hour I have during the day when I am alone with my body and my thoughts.

I spend a lot of hours every day working. In front of a PC, in meetings, at airports, in planes and cars that take me back and forth to more airports and planes and meetings… At the end of the day, running gives me the chance to feel that I am more than “just a brain”. That I have legs and lungs and a heart that beats and pumps blood through my veins and makes me breath and sweat. That I can get physically tired, not only mentally. That I am healthy and alive!!!