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My future house and its surroundings

Posted on One min read

My future house is going to be one helluva state of the art, I can assure you that. I have a queer eye for cool stuffs and technology. With my Linux server that boasts more than 1.2 terabytes, I’ve got an inventory that would make Blockbuster execs blush and RIAA lawyers would love to get after my ass. My kids would have an endless supply to Disney movies and cartoons while my wife and I would never have to pay PPVs for movies not so suitable for kids. It involves a letter X. The entire house is going to be controlled by a server too, with a complete temperature monitoring, alarms, and equipped with wireless webcams so I can catch people stealing my valuables. So in case if any of us forgot to turn off lights, they will be either automatically turned off by the computer or remotely by my wireless device. Well, needless to say, I can’t wait to be a homeowner one day and a basement is a must. :-)