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One more post before I go to bed

Posted on One min read

Tonight just happened to be one of those nights where I just sat in my chair, slumped, and having a beer after a long week at work—on a Friday night. I didn’t feel like doing anything productive or even fun, just sitting and do nothing. I started surfing the net and ended up reading blogs—my blogs. I’ve been blogging for more than a year and the ones that I read with most interest is my personal writing on some thing or of myself. So that made me realize I want to write a bit often, something of value and substance, not just posting links or some meaningless fancy new gadgets that I’m always drooling at. Which reminds me to check out uncrate site after I’m done with this.

Great, like in less than 6 hours of sleep, I’d have to wake up, get ready, and go to Target store or Walmart to buy some camping stuffs since I don’t have a tent and get on the road to Paw Paw, West Virginia where Deaf Disc Golf National tournament is being held and obviously spend a night there. It should be fun. I’ll probably catch up with my precious sleep in the car. :-)

Have a good weekend!