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Fall is here…

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You know it’s Fall when you find yourself completely in the dark after you step out of the building and you feel the wind blowing at you with some mist spraying at your face. When you get into the car, the first thing wasn’t to put your seat belt on but to turn the heater on and set the wipers on delay mode.

It’s been more than a week since I’ve started working at Google. I can’t indulge too much details here but I do want to share my experience here so I can reflect back when I hit 50 if I’ll live that long. The job is everything what I always want in a job. I’m not a whiz programmer who can make a working calculator right from the scratch in one sitting. What I enjoy the most is just looking for problems, find them and then solve them. I enjoy tweaking things, making things work and work on different things. This job isn’t focused on one thing only and we have flexibility to do what we enjoy working on. That way, we end up being jack of all trades. I’m learning Linux to improve my skill and enough that I will no longer need to use Windows again except for several programs such as Envision and Nextalk TTY emulator. I’ll probably vmware it eventually. However, that’s not the best part of this job. The best part is communication. In our geek world, we don’t really need to have to talk to each other through voice–in fact, some people actually prefer IMs over using their voice so some people don’t have to be distracted while listening to their fave mp3 songs. I’m glad I chose this field, so I don’t feel disabled.

Christmas is coming up faster than you’d think. To be inspired, I found this really cool stuff that I’m gonna use this holiday season – Photo stamps by Yahoo. With this feature, you can put your very own picture right onto a postage stamp. Now you don’t have to be famous to be on a stamp. :-)