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Back in DC…

Posted on One min read

Wow, am back in my office after four days stay in Colorado. I sure had a blast there. Congrats to Mario who’s no longer a bachelor anymore, may they live happily in marriage. Am catching up with friends’ blogs, news especially sports and tour de france, etc as I haven’t touched a computer since I went to Colo. Gotta install a photo gallery as soon as I finish my redesign, hopefully sometime this week. For now, some pics would do.

Darn, the bride closed her eyes. Too many cameras were flashing.

Yay, she kept her eyes open.

Mario and I chilling with our beers. There was an open bar so I must have drank more ten beers. Nothing beats a free beer, :-) Oh yeah, I have this beer philosophy that you drink local beers cuz that’s the freshest beer you can get. Denver – Coors, STL – Budweiser, Milwaukee – Miller Lite, DC – Yuengling (in PA but only 2 hours away). Well, comment if you disagreed with that.