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DC suck ass

Posted on One min read

Last week was clearly a bad case with District of Columbia, notoriously known for its license plate whining: Taxation Without Representation. Granted, we DC residents have to pay high taxes (10% on most things, which explain why we don’t have a Wal-mart or a Banana Republic here) but DC is clearly raping people off on parking tickets and those friggin stupid cameras! I had to pay $200 worth of tickets to DC, one for expired tag and one for “speeding” on the Michigan Ave that was flashed by the traffic camera. Grr, I really hate those cameras. One of those days, I’m gonna vandialize that damn camera!

$200 hard-earned money. Sigh.

On the bright side, I still retain my Illinois license plate due to insurance reasons. If I changed to DC license plate, I’d have to change my insurance coverage to DC and then the premium would go double, to about $1500 for six months.

With or without DC insurance, I suppose DC still finds a way to get my money. :-(